


作者:佚名      2022-04-05 07:57:20     180

湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中西方酒詩中酒文化的對比研究姓名:李曉燁申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:賈勤湖 北 工 業(yè) 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文I 摘摘 要要 無論是在中國還是西方篙介,自從酒誕生那天起就有了酒文化。酒文化在人們社會生活中都占有很重要的地位踊嘲,國內(nèi)外對于酒文化的研究也很多村肯。國內(nèi)對于酒文化的研究集中在兩個方面中西方酒文化差異,酒的自然屬性和社會屬性疏菩,如對于酒器喊解、酒禮和酒德的研究。國外的研究也主要集中在這兩個方面郑诺,如品酒夹姥,餐桌禮儀等,以及文學(xué)作品中的酒文化辙诞。 本文作者在前人研究的基礎(chǔ)上中西方酒文化差異辙售,通過酒詩對酒文化進(jìn)行了研究。因為飞涂,眾所周知酒文化的本質(zhì)是“ 醉”旦部,在醉的狀態(tài)下人們的思想狀態(tài)是自由的,個性是獨立的封拧。另一方面志鹃,作為一種藝術(shù)文化思潮的浪漫主義的特點是提倡主觀性、重視個性及關(guān)注自我意識泽西,這些在意識形態(tài)上與酒文化的本質(zhì)有相似之處曹铃。因此酒詩在一定程度上具有了浪漫主義詩歌的特點。由于浪漫主義本身特點與酒文化精髓有相通之處捧杉,本文就此對中西浪漫主義的酒詩中體現(xiàn)的酒文化進(jìn)行對比研究陕见,進(jìn)一步論證前人的研究結(jié)果:中國的酒文化是“ 酒仙” 式的,而西方的是“ 酒神” 式的募型。


同時探討了造成差異的深層文化原因指晾,并且提出對中西酒文化的深層理解能夠促進(jìn)跨文化交際。 本文共分為四個部分哀揽,第一部分是文獻(xiàn)綜述理斜,包括酒文化的研究現(xiàn)狀,以及本文的研究視角和方法睬肮。第二部分介紹酒文化伐薯,涉及酒的起源、酒文化的定義及酒文化在中西方的物質(zhì)文化地位。第三部分介紹浪漫主義诡岂,包括浪漫主義思想在中國和西方的起源和發(fā)展骏芍。第四部分是全文的核心,首先引出酒文化和浪漫主義相結(jié)合的產(chǎn)物 —— 酒詩登鄙。然后對酒詩中所反映出的中西酒文化進(jìn)行三個方面的對比研究:祭祀與酒既憔,快樂與酒,愁與酒骤公,發(fā)掘出酒詩中“ 酒仙” 精神與“ 酒神”精神的不同體現(xiàn)抚官,從而進(jìn)一步論證前人的結(jié)論。并探討導(dǎo)致差異的深層文化根源淋样。 關(guān)鍵詞關(guān)鍵詞: 酒文化耗式,浪漫主義,酒詩趁猴,酒仙刊咳,酒神湖 北 工 業(yè) 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文II Wine in the West and China, as the core of wine , has been an role in ’s life. There are so many on wine in China and in the West. The on wine in China can be up in two , its and , such as the study of wine set and the . The also focus on these two , like wine and table , and wine in as well. This paper wine on the basis of the wine , which is the of the of wine and . On one hand, it is known that “” is the of wine : seek and in a drunk state. On the other hand, , and self-, as the of , share some with the of wine . What’s more, wine , as a of , is found to these to a great . With the and above as the of study, this paper to make a study of the wine in China and the West by wine . , the the ’ of “ ” and the “ .” , this paper the for the , and that of wine in China and the West can . There are four parts in this paper. The first part is , the on wine home and , and the of this paper. The part gives the of wine , the of wine, the of wine and the of wine . The third part the , which the in both China and the West, and paves the way for the of the of the and wine . The last part is the core of the whole paper. In this part, the the wine — the of the wine and the . In this part, is with in some of wine in China and the West three pairs of — wine and , and , wine and , which are in wine . In the end, the the is and some are to China and the West and avoid shock. The last part is the . : wine , , wine , , 學(xué)位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明和使用授權(quán)說明 原創(chuàng)性聲明原創(chuàng)性聲明 本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的學(xué)位論文,是本人在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下儡司,獨立進(jìn)行研究工作所取得的研究成果娱挨。


除文中已經(jīng)標(biāo)明引用的內(nèi)容外, 本論文不包含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果捕犬。對本文的研究做出貢獻(xiàn)的個人和集體跷坝,均已在文中以明確方式標(biāo)明。本聲明的法律結(jié)果由本人承擔(dān)碉碉。 學(xué)位論文作者簽名:日期:年 月 日 學(xué)位論文版權(quán)使用授權(quán)書學(xué)位論文版權(quán)使用授權(quán)書 本學(xué)位論文作者完全了解學(xué)校有關(guān)保留柴钻、使用學(xué)位論文的規(guī)定,即:學(xué)校有權(quán)保留并向國家有關(guān)部門或機構(gòu)送交論文的復(fù)印件和電子版垢粮, 允許論文被查閱和借閱淫蜕。 本人授權(quán)湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)可以將本學(xué)位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容編入有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進(jìn)行檢索,可以采用影印抬奠、縮印或掃描等復(fù)制手段保存和匯編本學(xué)位論文肩检。 學(xué)位論文作者簽名:指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 日期:年月日日期:年月日湖 北 工 業(yè) 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文1 Wine after the birth of wine. In China, the “wine ” is put by the Yu in 1987. In 1994, Xiao said that the wine to the of the of , , , , and which by wine (Xiao, 2007). , wine has its both such as the , sets and and like wine’s of , and . There are so many about the that no new ideas could be put , more than 300 about wine in China and the the of wine . the finds there exist some the of wine and — , to ’s and , and to get rid of to unity with . They give birth to the — wine . In China, Qu Yuan and Li Bai are the poets of . While, in the West is in . In their the finds many poems are about “wine.” So the wants to wine in China and the West wine . wine to her own in a broad sense, the then wine in China and the West to the of the wine them. In the end, the the ’ of “ ” and the “ .” , this paper the for the , and that of wine in China and the West can .湖 北 工 業(yè) 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文1 2 1.1The of wine on wine can be up in two , and . Its the , sets and of wine, and its means that wine in has a on , , , , , art, and , , and folk (Xu, 1999). The also study the wine from and and the table in and . The study of these two in China or the West has been . there are a few make a study of wine and the wine , they just them in the of and . Some get a of and the after . , with the basis of , this paper will and and the in the of poems. China has a long , and it had wine even when our were apes. As the was fruit wine which , we can say the wine was not by but from , and wine began with human . about the of wine, a book Lu Shi Chun Qiu said: “Yi Di made the .” it was “Du Kang made the ”. We can find in of . In a wide sense, wine means all the which to . There’re so many about this, Wang Ge bans (1998), Miao Tijun wine to (1997), wine to (Peng, 2003), some study wine in , , and (Xu, 2006 & Wei, 1998). All these are one-way . There’re about the of wine in China and the West. In Du Li’s , “ wine as a tool and hide their real wine while the in the West think of wine as an and they have the of wine-.” (2004) Yang Naiji talks about some ways of...



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